Nice one. So, how will all this benefit you?
Collaborating together on a proposition from an early stage brings you closer to your delegated partners. Our digital room houses all information connected to the product and proposition in one simple place, so all you need to worry about is creating products and relationships that are bespoke to you.
- Every change is tracked for full visibility and audit history
- Embedded Docusign enables easy signature when products are ready to go live
- Your workflow is simple: assign tasks, refer queries, create sign-off protocols
- Binder, but not as you know them

DA-X can receive data in any format (although our preference is API). We will integrate with the platforms used by your MGAs & TPAs to create a real-time flow of data. Where bordereaux is still in use, through our unique partnership model we offer super-charged data processing.
- Our 2-way interface means binder details are shared upon completion, enabling immediate processing and automatic mapping
- Rules and validations are built in, driven by the details of the delegation contained in the system
- This creates unrivalled oversight, with any actions outside of authority flagged for immediate attention
- All parties only need one connection in order for data to flow
- No need for multiple APIs into multiple systems – DA-X manages this for you

From the moment the first risk is written or claim made, you have real-time oversight and understanding of your portfolio, covering financial, operational and behavioural performance across products, jurisdiction, MGAs, brokers etc. So, what does that give you? State of the art portfolio analysis, obviously.
- Real-time oversight
- Customizable dashboard
- Analyse data at any grain, in any format
- Extract full data set via CSV or API
- Risk, premium & claims data together, in one place

Ahh, contracts (sigh). We all love to hate them. Well, with us, you only have to do the legal bit once – we’ve changed the way that binders work in the digital world. We’ve worked with some of the UK’s leading lawyers to develop a template master contract that people can actually read, which DA-X users get for free. Yep, you heard us, a legal contract without the fluff, just plain and simple English.
- One and done contract between two legal entities which then allows the business to do what they do best. Business, obviously
- Adapt to change without having to sign a new legal contract with every new development
- You don’t have to use it, but why re-invent the wheel?